Riding the Tides in 2019:
Astrology with Mark Dodich
“There is a tide in the affairs of men, which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat. And we must take the current when it serves, or lose our ventures.”
~William Shakespeare
By all the astrological accounts I have heard, 2019 and 2020 will be pivotal. In 2018, I often became discouraged by all the negativity in play, wondering how we would ever make the needed shifts for ourselves, our country and our planet. So, it is with great joy I discovered that one of our favorite astrologers, Mark Dodich, will be giving his talk on the planetary shifts of the year to come.
Planetary Shifts of 2019
Mark Dodich, Fri. Jan. 11, 6:30-8:30pm, $25
Mark says that in 2018, most people felt like they were being pulled apart at the seams as old patterns and paradigms broke apart. He continues that in 2019, we will receive the opportunity to reintegrate ourselves in a fresh new way, while beginning to climb towards the heights that will peak in 2020.
I agree with Mark's assessment of 2018; however, I remain hopeful about the opportunities available to us, individually and collectively, that Mark sees for us as we move through 2019 and into 2020. His words leave me filled with joyful anticipation.
Mark, please, tell us again how you became interested in astrology? And what kind of riches have time and study brought to you and your craft?
I grew up around psychic events, mostly surrounding strange occurrences in family deaths, without even knowing they were strange. In college, I met women friends who introduced me to astrology. I studied a spiritualist church as part of my sociology degree. After college, astrology, and then metaphysics, became an almost obsessive interest while I was still an industrial sales representative in the early years of my career.
The riches come from knowing who I am and being surrounded by good people. In the early years, I would look in the mirror and wonder who that was in the suit, and what the heck was he doing with his life. Now, I have much more meaning in my life, am a better person, and as such, attract higher quality friends and clients.
What do we need to know about astrology in order to benefit from listening to your talk?
You don't really need to know astrology at all to benefit.
I do my best to minimize the astrological terms for those who have no interest in learning astrology, yet keep a balance to interest the people who want more understanding of it.
I view astrology as a tool or a map to help guide us through life. We still have to learn all the things we came here to learn and go through all our challenging experiences. But if you have a conscious awareness of what is going on, you can see those life events as part of your growth, instead of feeling lost or beat up by them. You can use that map to get the maximum advantage out of your potential.
As we approach 2019 and then segue into 2020, I have heard rumblings that these could be critical years, for each one of us, for our country and for our planet. How would your talk prepare us to ride these planetary shifts and benefit from the planetary alignments?
Yes, between late 2017 and most of 2020, there is a rare and significant alignment of planets building in Capricorn. It will be like doing a major remodel on your home, except that it is going on globally, in government, and in each person. We are breaking down old patterns and beliefs in order to choose what values and ideas we want to live by, both collectively and individually. Ideally, this is will be an initiation into a new order as we move into the 2020s. The 2019 talk will address these issues and a lot more.
What do you want people to take home with them?
Hopefully, people will take home the feeling that there is a higher plan in place for all of us, and that we are not doomed by the negative events we see in the news. Understanding the energy available, for the world, for your personal life, and for your spiritual growth, will help you grow faster and be open to more opportunities than if you just bounce through 2019 blindly.
We are growing into a new world. The information provided in the talk is geared towards helping us open our beliefs into a positive and expansive new vibration.
If you’re curious about what might be in store for you in 2019 and beyond, join us for Mark’s illuminating presentation!
Call 503-224-4929 to reserve your spot for:
with Mark Dodich on Fri. Jan. 11, 6:30-8:30pm, $25
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