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To Register Please Call 503-224-4929

Full Moon Shamanic Journey for Healing and Clarity


Rami Abu-Sitta, Weds. June 27, 7-8:30pm, $20

Join us as we gather in ceremony on the evening of the Full Moon. Using the beat of the drum, we will enter an altered state of consciousness, and retrieve gifts and guidance from your spirit allies. This is a core Shamanic skill that will empower you on your path of discovery. Cultivate your relationship with your inner wisdom, experience healing, and clarify your purpose. Are you ready to empower yourself? Wear comfortable clothes and bring whatever you need to be relaxed for the journey (blanket, pillow, etc). You will be asked to take some notes after the journey, so please bring a notepad. 


Rami Abu-Sitta is a Shamanic practitioner, trained by Alberto Villoldo PhD and by the Incan medicine people in the High Andes of Peru. He first stepped onto the Shamanic path over 12 years ago while undergoing a chronic health crisis of his own. He now works with clients both in Portland and around to world to restore balance, and help them stand in their power once again.

To Register Please Call 503-224-4929

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