To Register Please Call 503-224-4929
Sacred Drumming Circle
Rebecca Singer, Sun. Oct. 6, 5-6:30pm, $15
A drum circle as an extended prayer to all our relations. Please bring a Native American drum or rattle, and please bring extras for those who might want to attend and dont have either. Rebecca will speak a bit about how a drum is viewed as a medicine wheel, an extension of our own heartbeat, and as a living, sacred object. The first drumming will be on behalf of ourselves and those we love and in need of good healing energy, and we will name them as we drum. The second drumming will be on behalf of all life forms on this planet. The third drumming, which will be led by the drums themselves, will be a drumming out to the universe on behalf of love and light. Please arrive a few minutes early and plan to stay for the whole time, as we will be building a circle, a force, and a sound.
After the ceremony, join Rebecca for a booksigning of her beautiful book Singing into Bone: Stories of Vision and Healing in the bookshop.
Rebecca Singer is a Shaman who has been offering healing sessions, workshops, and ceremonies for 30 years. She has worked internationally, and is currently living near Woodstock in upstate New York. She is the author of Singing into Bone.
To Register Please Call 503-224-4929